Egg recall spreads fear and concerns regarding food, product safety:

No consumer product or food without the possibility of risk. When consumers buy a product that their confidence in that company to customer needs as the heart. They expect the safest, most rigorously tested products and purchase items for use in their households. When a consumer goes to a massive recall, such as Toyota, Tylenol, or even remember this egg, a sense of betrayal is felt. Many consumer products to permanently discontinue use after a massive recall. Just afraid that if a company allowed conditions so terrible, what keeps them these terms so again.
There are many stresses affecting consumers on a daily basis, far more than what is reported or make worldwide news headlines. is your one-stop source for access to the current remembers whether food, boats, children's, makeup, and much more. You can access
You also have the opportunity to sign up for E-Mail and reminds them sent to you.
Although the government is present and the past to recall available information, there is a good chance that the public wellicht interested in another type of information: companies that never have been involved in a recall.

T-Mobile Plays Hide-and-Seek With G2 Smartphone

"The T-Mobile G2 will provide tight integration with Google services and groundbreaking as the first smartphone designed to run at 4G speeds on our new HSPA + network. In the coming weeks, we share more details about the G2 and provide exclusive first access to current T-Mobile customers, "says the site now.
What the plan, T-Mobile managed to ignite a frenzy of attention to the term "G2" rising to the top of Google's most searched terms.
The device is the first T-Mobile specifically built for its new HSPA + network, which is touted as offering 4G-like speeds on the 3G infrastructure of the company.

19th amendment anniversary: Politicians celebrate

The Democratic National Committee is celebrating with an opinion piece in Politico tying the match recent legislative performance at the historic victory for women. And union affiliated group Healthy Workplace is to use the opportunity to Meg Whitman, the Republican candidate in California governor's attack. Check out this press release headline: "A Celebration of the voting rights of women and a protest from Meg Whitman whose voting record dishonors that tradition." (Whitman did not vote on large parts of her career. She was registered to vote in the 1980's, in contrast to a report saying that they did not register until 2002.)
On her Facebook page, Sarah Palin took the opportunity to make some new entries from female candidates to announce.
There are also a number of non-political events across the country to celebrate.
As the 14th amendment has come into question, it is also interesting to note that suffragettes were torn on whether the voting rights for black men to support.

Kanye West's 'Power' Video Mixes The Spiritual With The Sexual

The video began with the singing of gospel-tinged record, and while the image of West silent, the camera pulled away from the digitized fixture for several women, some saints and sinners reveal some. The video was full of religious references, Brambilla, said the rapper admired for his earlier efforts, which are sexual overtones combined with religious images.
"I immediately connected to the themes on the album," said Brambilla MTV News of the yet-untitled next album West. "The whole idea of celebrity, the idea of power, the idea of sensuality in, there is sexuality in it, and they were all kinds of themes I've explored in my work. Once I heard the album, the what was decisive, and I felt very much in line with the message behind the music. "
By the end of the brief clip, the camera pulls away to reveal images of Western women with decorated, which were placed next to the rapper, who was also on his head.
The production climaxes with a black background with the word "Power" on the screen.
"I've always wanted to do something that would visualize power, a portrait of what power would look like in a sort of timeless way and able to frame him in that portrait," said Brambilla. "In essence, doing a video portrait of Kanye as a symbol of power was very consistent with my art practice and explore what I said in my artwork."

Johnny Knoxville & co return in the 'Jackass 3D' trailer

Johnny Knoxville and company return to the big screen for the first time in 3D, with more crazy stunts and crazy gimmicks. We have the new trailer for the third film in the series.
Paramount Pictures' 3D Jackass "star Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, Steve-O, Jason" Wee Man "Acuna, Chris Pontius, Preston Lacy, Dave England and Ehren McGhehey

Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 2: Top 5 most outrageous moments

While you try your television to reduce the orange glow, maybe you missed one of the most scandalous moments of the hour-long Jersey Shore Season 2, Episode 2. So let me count them for you, then weigh on what your favorite moment from "The Hangover".
Outrageous Moment # 5: Snooki kills Angelina - All you can say about this one, thank God, the phone does not duck his way to Miami. Frustrated over the non-stop calls for Angelina, Snooki finally realizes the only way to stop all calls to kill Angelina. "No! Angelina is deceased," said Angelina's Snooki umteenth caller before slamming the phone down. A minute later the phone rings again and she answers Angelina. "Angelina is deceased?" the caller asks in shock. "I did not die!"
Outrageous Moment # 4: Catfight & 2.0 JWoWW's Warning - JWoWW Snooki start by telling her to talk about Angelina's boyfriend, Emilio, behind her back. It gets so fired up Snooki confronts Angelina - who does what she does best and denies everything. Meanwhile, Ronnie's see the silver lining in catfight 2.0. "This is great," he says, "for once it's not my drama." Take JWoWW things to a whole new level with a string of threats that the situation when he reached the end of the wrath recive JWoWW's reminiscent. "I swing. Sleep with one eye open," she warns Angelina. "I will make you sweat it out .... the sweat bi ---."
Outrageous Moment # 3: Chicken Dinner? - If only Snooki had not bought $ 395 $ 393 pair of crystal covered glasses she might have seen the raw chicken comin 'to her. Instead, when she opens the refrigerator door to her pickles to get from raw chicken marinating food, the situation splatters on the refrigerator and the floor. As if the scene was not hilarious enough, Vinny's actually considering rinsing and eating it. "What do we do it? Was it?" He calls the situation in the hot tub? "What we do pick that sh - up dog," says Mike with one of his invaluable that you just have to see really and fully appreciate.
Outrageous Moment # 2: IFF and "Deny, Deny, Deny" - not just Ronnie comes home bragging about his night of three-way kiss, but intends to cuddle with Sammi. The next morning he wakes up hung over competely and not remember a thing the night before. He and the boys come up with a plan like Sammi Angelina tells what happened at the club. Ronnie has two words to resolve "IFF" (I'm Fu Foundation --- ) situation - "deny deny deny." Ronnie is selling its story well enough that Sammi finally apologize to him and accompany him to the most ironic tattoo of all time - a few to get his hands while praying with a rosary. Yes , Ronnie, you're a real saint.
Outrageous Moment # 1: Angelina Click Pauly D - Like Angelina coudn't get more unpleasant-Give the girl a few drinks and you have some Jersey Shore producers can only dream. After grinding with a girl and shaming Pauly D for connecting a chick they Pauly and Mike D says "the situation" about 40 times that she loves them.
"What?" Pauly D responds.
"I want to marry you," Angelina goes on referring to their solitary point, "I think you every day."
Attempts to lower the high path, Pauly D efforts ignore a clearly wasted, and by this point, Angelina crying. But it pisses her off even more. "You do not even care," she cries as she blows him in the face. When Angelina and Pauly D "the situation" in the fight breaks out as follows Angelina gets close to Pauly.
"Are you touching me? Stop hitting me," cries he pushed her away. "You're on your fu - ING itself. You do not have me or situation, "Pauly D shouts," ... now you have zero friends. "

Human Centipede Crawls Home

The film presents itself as a straight-up horror movie, but obviously due to the premise of the film and its claim that it is 100% medically accurate, the film fell into the horror-comedy genre. We guess this will do for horror what the Court for the drama. The DVD will be available for the MSRP (manufacturer suggested retail price) of $ 24.98, while the Blu-ray will run on the retail price of $ 29.98, but nothing is said in terms of additional features at this time. We will certainly keep you posted.

Taylor Swift Mine New Single Released Lyrics

Oh oh oh ooo
You were in college working part time waiting tables
From left to small time never looked back.
I was the flight risk with the fear of fallin
Wondered why we have trouble with love as it never takes
I say "Can you believe it? "
Because we are lying on a sofa
(?) And I can see
Yes yes I see it
Remember when we were on the water Sat
You put your arm around me for the first time
You have a rebel in a carefully careless man's daughter
You're the best thing that ever mine
Flash forward and we were taking over the world together
And there is a drawer of my stuff and your place
You learned my secrets and you realize why I (?)
You said we never my parents have made mistakes.
But we have bills to pay
We've got nothing figured out
Then it was hard to take yes yes
This was thought to
Remember when we were on the water Sat
You put your arm around me for the first time
You have a rebel in a carefully careless man's daughter
You're the best thing that ever mine
Remember the whole city lights on water
You saw me start to believe for the first time
You have a rebel in a carefully careless man's daughter
You're the best thing that ever mine

Prop 8 Overturned: Celebs React via Twitter

"Moving Forward YEAHHHHH !!!!! # PROP8UNCONSTITUTIONAL !!!!!!!!" tweeted Ricky Martin, who announced that he is actually gay (most likely) last March, tweeted on Wednesday following the announcement that Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that Proposition 8 civil rights violated.
"This just in: Equality won!" Ellen DeGeneres said on her Twitter account.
"Prop 8 was mowed down! This is great news! It is time! Congratulations to everyone!" Reality star Kim Kardashian told her Twitter followers.
Adam Lambert celebrated the court ruling, tweeting, "We're gonna glitter to throw at the barn tonight!"
Lance Bass, currently the country, tweeted from abroad, writing, "Congrats on the battlements of Prop 8 !!!!"
We'll see how long this statement is if Prop 8 is a source of much heated political and personal debate and vote in the last few years.

Taylor Jacobson – Rachel Zoe Samples Accusation is False

But certainly what is portrayed in the evening is different than the news statement Taylor Jacobson gave in November 2009. So Taylor is not to say that she was fired, but she said she was "sad and excited" about her departure.
But tonight, Rodger Berman announcing Taylor's departure on an "emergency conference". Rodger is more dramatic than anything Donald Trump has offered in the boardroom. Later, viewers hear the word "fired". And yet over an hour, only few details revealed about what happened with Taylor.
In the opening segment, Rodger Berman have a sit down conference with staff, where he does not use the word "fired". When Brad Goreski ask Roger and Rachel what happened, Roger says thinking was not adding up. "We've been getting behind the numbers ... and frankly, things do not add up, and that's all I will say about it." Zoe expresses grief. Her grief is still the dominant theme through the conflict. Zoe says that she can not sleep, that Taylor's departure did not give her closure. But Zoe has no problem doing a shoot with Demi Moore, "Taylor's customer".
Brad did not see a recommendation, which he alleges Taylor was different than she thought. But even in the next scene in his new Mercedes-driving aroundLos Angeles, Brad says he lacks Taylor. Later in the study, the word "sacked" is said. Still viewers not left with any insight into what happened between Taylor and Rachel. Zoe says she is hurt she has not heard from Taylor. But just a few minutes earlier, Brad reveals that samples have been returned to Taylor ever had. Brad says that Taylor would wear tests at night.
Really? Not so says Taylor to local news. Taylor has since told TV Guide that "samples" claim in the night season premiere accusation is television fiction. "I will say this: I do not fit into sample sizes! Where did that even come from?" I'm not a size zero. I'm 34-D [breasts]. "
Taylor says she can not respond to Zoe's allegations because she is bound by a confidentiality agreement. "You sign a confidentiality agreement. That's why I really can not talk about it."
But what does Taylor think about the premiere? "For legal reasons I do not really allowed to discuss what makes it hard for me to give the" juice. "But what I heard on the first episode is pretty amazing. I heard there are ripping out pictures and throw them into the fireplace." Zoe takes pictures of Taylor and burn them late in the episode.
But Taylor believes audiences will release that what they see is just "faux" (false). "Reality TV is faux reality. It is a constructed reality, and everyone knows it. I was a very hardworking and I still do. So in that sense, yes. As much as people want me to go out on the show and Rachel I do not really have anything to say about the woman that I am not allowed to talk about. Really, I have no ill will. It is time to move on and I have. "

Michigan Election Results

Former Gateway Chief Executive Rick Snyder has won the Michigan Republican primary for governor, the AP reports. Mr. Snyder defeated Representative Pete Hoekstra and state Attorney General Mike Cox in the five-way GOP race.
On the Democratic side, Michigan's Virg Bernero captured his party's nomination for governor, the AP reports. Mr. Bernero, the Lansing mayor, defeated State House Speaker Andy Dillon in the primary.
Mr. Snyder's victory comes as a surprise, and with the state facing one of the country's highest unemployment rates, the Republican is likely to be front-funner.
Today's race to succeed term limited Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm.
Addtionally the Michigan Democratic Representative Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick was defeated by state Sen. Hansen Clarke, AP reports. Ms. Kilpatrick was plagued by political difficulties because of her defense of her son, former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

Bad Girls Club’ Season 5 Premieres Tonight

In his last season received Bad Girls Club a number of criticisms. Some viewers find the whole concept amusing, while some find the content of each episode a bit offensive. We will update this post with profiles of the seven bad girls who did it in style.

Barclays Capital Credit Analysts Upgrade Bank Sector

The analysts said the asset quality has stabilized, capitalization, strong liquidity and balance sheet is robust.
Meanwhile, the financial reform agreed with a lower risk of short-term credit rating downgrades, the sovereign uncertainty moderated after the release of the European stress test results, the risk of litigation fell after Goldman Sachs's (GS) settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission, spreads are wider than most other sectors, and supply prospects are positive, they added in a note to investors.

Northern Lights may become visible over Idaho tonight

This is because the two smaller solar storms flared Sunday, shooting tons of plasma directly on the ground, astronomers say. The plasma is expected to make the Northern Lights show visible much further south than usual across the northern hemisphere. Lights must be visible around midnight tonight and Wednesday night against Idaho, David Aguilar, a spokesman for the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told the Idaho Statesman.
"This outbreak is aimed directly at us and expected to come here early on August 4," center astronomer Leon Golub said in a statement. "This is the first large Earth-directed eruptions in quite some time."
Scientists say when the outbreak, called a coronal mass ejection, when the ground is the interaction with the planet's magnetic field, potentially creating a geomagnetic storm. Solar particles stream down the field lines towards Earth's poles.
These particles collide with atoms of nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere, which then glow like miniature neon signs, Harvard Center says.
Aurora normally only seen at high latitudes, as in Alaska. But tonight the Idaho sky watchers look for rippling "curtains" of green and red lights.
Seeing them is not guaranteed. But the sky must be clear, so it's worth a try, "said Andie Woodward, spokeswoman for the Boise Astronomical Society.
"I would just say: Go out and take a look," Woodward said. "It's kind of a crap shoot."
Northern Lights is so weak that you probably do not see them if you live near Downtown Boise or other areas where light pollution is high, Woodward said. She recommends getting out of the country. One possibility is Swan Falls Dam near Kuna, where astronomical community at times cloud-see events.

Kyan Douglas Pictures and Bio

According to, Douglas and Bass split up a couple of months ago, and Bass has sinced moved on to dating Marc Jacobs' ex Lorenzo Martone. But the transition wasn't exactly an easy one.
A pal said, "Lance wasn't interested in dating right away because he was getting over his own breakup with [Queer Eye for the Straight Guy's] Kyan Douglas. But Lorenzo was persistent, so they started talking and slowly spending more time together and really hit it off."
So who is Douglas? He became the grooming expert on the reality show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy after working in a couple of high-end salons and on the shows What Not to Wear and While You Were Out.
Since Queer Eye (which won him an Emmy in 2004), he's also authored a book and appeared on a number of talk shows. He's currently hosting the TLC show Ten Years Younger.

Blackhawks' Niemi shown the door; Marty Turco and questions arrive

"What happened to this team that suddenly made me care about hockey?"
The Blackhawks have given Chicago a lot of storylines, but with many of its most-well-known names traded away, that storyline has grown a little darker. Tribune Sports Editor Tim Bannon explains why ...

Grover Cleveland Alexander tournament – Seniors win

He was born in 1887 in Elba, Nebraska, and when he got his first professional contract in 1907 he was earning the princely sum of $50, not bad for a 20-year-old though in those days. Eventually he played for the Philadelphia Phillies in 1910 and it was here that he earned another nickname, “Old Pete,”St. Paul was the venue for the tournament and it was won by the York Cornerstone Seniors who came in with a 14-6 record and took the victory in 5 out of their last 6 games. What happened to Grover Cleveland Alexander? He also went on to play for the Chicago Cubs and the St Louis Cardinals and was eventually initiated into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1938.
Alexander died at the age of 63 in 1950.
On John Bolz, John Carroll, Perez Hilton, blogging, and making money

When San Francisco Chronicle Columnist and all-around good man John Carroll wrote about bloggers and wondered how they make money (in "the blog dilemma" which should have been designed to be found in a search), he looked at it, it seemed unknowingly, from the perspective of one who's used to working for someone else.
The most successful bloggers own their own blogs: Perez Hilton comes to mind. Now, if you're going to tell me what you think of Perez' content, you're not going to learn anything, so you're not the person I'm trying to reach.
Perez Hilton owns his own blog, and yet he's "multi-platform:" he has millions of Twitter followers. His videos can be found on his own YouTube channel, where, like me, Perez is a YouTube Partner. That means he earns revenue from his video views. He's got over 62,000 YouTube subscribers as of this writing. Me? I'm just over 5,000 YouTube subscribers, but hey, I love every one of them.
But my point is Perez has his own channel and his own "brand" that's not all in one place. Regardless of what you think about Perez Hilton, you know what you're going to get when you visit his blog. That "brand" has led to offers of up to $20 million for his blog.
What John Carroll missed is a look at the blogger who's an entrepreneur. Before the days of journalists looking for work as bloggers, there were journalists who did blogging, specifically Justin Hall.
Hall's called a pioneer blogger, but the point here is that Justin did his own thing as a blogger and gained fame doing it.
I encourage people who blog at, or any of the blogs in the Zennie62 network, to maintain or start their own blogs and cross post their work to mine. I want each person to grow their own online value. That's what John Carroll, ever the good man, misses. But it's also my fault for not following up with Carroll on my desire to video interview him
See, John Carroll is a star. Like many long-time journalists and columnists he has a following, but he's not "branded" in the way Perez Hilton is. He's not on video or mobile devices. He doesn't have his own widget. He should have all of this, and more.
In short, John Carroll doesn't have that set of platforms that, added together with respect to traffic, he can sell for money, or make money from. It's a welcome direction given the shrinking print media industry.
The problem is the death of print media is forcing people online, where they're quite literally lost in Internet space. Many people: journalists, publicists, and public relations specialists, are totally lost.
And they're not helped by those who are in the same professions who take money from them with these seminars and panel discussions, claiming that they know the Internet way, when in point of fact, those same persons don't even have a clear Internet presence and brand. So, it becomes the blind leading the blind, and both eventually get frustrated either because they aren't making real money or the people have realized they don't know and have stopped paying them.
If you are asked to pay over $100 to attend a social media "how-to" function, run, don't walk, to the nearest exit. Don't do it.
Just do what Former San Francisco Chronicle Columnist Glenn Dickey did, and at my pushing, about five years ago: he started his own website called Glenn Plus, he's at And while I think he could improve on his Internet presence and website monetization by a ton, he's at least created an online home that has some value (the paywall's a bad idea). The Examiner gives him another platform that helps drive awareness of the "Glenn Dickey" brand and thus, get more traffic.
So, John Carroll, you can make money blogging, but you've got to have your own blog and brand. In short, you have to think not in terms of working for someone else, but in terms building your own media business.

Suzette Snider And David Daniel "Dee" Snider

The Sniders renewed their vows in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary, which is October 23. Twisted Sister singer Dee Snider and his wife Suzette pose backstage after their wedding vow renewal ceremony following a performance of Dee Snider's 'Van Helsing's Curse.
David Daniel "Dee" Snider (born March 15, 1955) is an American singer-songwriter, screenwriter, radio personality, and actor. Snider is most famous for his role as the frontman of the heavy metal band Twisted Sister. He was ranked 83 in the Hit Parader's Top 100 Metal Vocalist of All Time.

PRETTY LITTLE LIARS Episode 8 “Please, Do Talk About Me When I’m Gone” Review

If there is such a condition, Emily is drowning in it. Apparently Alison knew of Emily’s bicurious tendencies and exploited them. Making suggestive remarks about Kissing Rock and throwing coy glances seems like an awful lot of temptation for poor Emily. Is Emily’s attempt to date Mia something she is truly interested in or is it a way for Emily to prove to Alison, and herself, that it wasn’t just Alison that sparked her interest?
Hanna’s character continues to amaze me with her growth. I never would have thought that the shallow appearing, materialistic girl, would turn out to be one of my favorites. Now I realize that Hanna has a very big heart and just needs to find a way to use it. Helping her family by selling things she didn’t really need was a great start. It was fun to see her interaction with Lucas. He seems to bring out the best in her unlike prom king who still uses words like “cooties.” You would think that the preacher’s son who attends virgin support groups would be a bit kinder to his fellow classmate.
Spencer has me baffled. I always found the initial scene when she announces that she discovered Alison missing to be strange. Now we find out that she fought often with Alison and that Alison may have been scared of her. How much of this is true and how much is just a spin by Alison and her equally evil brother, Jason, remains to be seen. However, with her OCD tendencies and Type A personality, it is not too hard to imagine that she and Alison butt heads at some point.
On the day of the memorial, everyone takes time to talk about Alison. The only one that truly says anything about her is Jenna who remarks on her strength. The girls talk about living without her, moving on, and friendship while smiling at each other. Perhaps they are relieved by the removal of the burden of Alison’s friendship. After all, how telling was the memorial fountain that had all five girls on there, but only one standing tall with her hand out, with her girls at her feet, kneeling before her.
The final scenes in the last couple of episodes of Pretty Little Liars have been really haunting and tonight’s episode “Please, Do Talk About Me When I’m Gone” was no exception. If Alison was wearing her bracelet when she died, who made the bracelet that the girls found in the woods? Who was the mysterious guy that showed up at the dedication? Finally, just as quickly as the memorial was put together, it was destroyed. Was that violent act directed at Alison or at the girls? So much anger and drama, even after death.

Awkward Family Photos Blog Website

Alexis Cohen’s Killer Being Indicted on Four Counts

Bark was later arrested on July 26, and was initially accused of drunk driving. On Thursday, the grand jury indicted Bark at four points. He was accused of manslaughter with aggravating circumstances, circumvent police, intentionally leaving the scene of an accident which resulted in one death, and death by car. He is currently in jail with bail set at $ 150,000.

Carrie Underwood’s Wedding Venue ‘On Lockdown’Carrie Underwood Married

What is it that the ladies as much about pro athletes? Geez, give a guy looks good, a few million dollars and loads of talent, and suddenly the ladies can not get enough. It's one of those unsolvable mysteries.
But all the guys are really curious about is Carrie Underwood's dress. Apparently, wearing a wedding dress Underwood Chantilly lace designed by Monique Lhuillier for her, as shown above. The dress is the spring of 2011 Lhuillier's collection. That's right. Carrie Underwood has a wedding dress in the future.
Now for his part, Mike Fisher be cautious. Professional athletes are known for flirting. And Carrie Underwood is known for taking a Louisville Slugger to both headlights and her husband messing around. I imagine it could get very creative with a hockey stick.
The couple released a statement with a touch of romance and optimism to the venerable People Magazine:
"We could not feel more blessed to have found each other and have shared these days with our friends and family who mean so much to us!" The newlyweds told people to sign a statement of their names "Mike & Carrie Fisher."

Las Tablas Panama

Las Tablas has a population of about 10,000 and is best known for its carnival, which is similar in Panama on the way to (pre-Katrina) New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I came here the day before Carnival began with a peaceful, clean, well maintained city to find a beautiful European-style plaza in downtown streets and coming out from all sides, lined with clothing shops and laundries and bakeries, supermarkets and restaurants, some with nice hotels and apartments on top.

Stephen Colletti Lauren Conrad Ready for Hills Finale

Stephanie Pratt tells news this week: "I'll miss going to the movies in pubs with my best friend Lo [Bosworth]. The cast has the best time.We to enjoy each other much and we have so many inside jokes .
Pratt says she spent Fourth of July weekend to LC and Colletti "I just spent July 4th at the home of Lauren's Laguna Beach.
I rode on Saturday and spent the whole weekend with her and Lo. Dieter [Schmitz] of 'Laguna Beach' was there, Stephen [Colletti] was there, all her friends Laguna. "
Pratt says LC, Lo and Stephen, and its still close.
In the autumn of 2007, news was not sure if LC was recovering with Stephen even though portrayed as dating Brody Jenner at the show at the moment. In February 2008, Hayden Panettiere turned to Seventeen magazine for its break with Steven explained.
"I just knew I wanted to breathe. I wanted to be single at the moment. It just hit me like a ton of bricks: This is the time that I have with myself. It takes a secure person with someone like me it takes so much confidence, it takes so much confidence. "

Blog Archive
- Egg recall spreads fear and concerns regarding foo...
- T-Mobile Plays Hide-and-Seek With G2 Smartphone
- 19th amendment anniversary: Politicians celebrate
- Kanye West's 'Power' Video Mixes The Spiritual Wit...
- Johnny Knoxville & co return in the 'Jackass 3D' t...
- Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 2: Top 5 most outrag...
- Human Centipede Crawls Home
- Taylor Swift Mine New Single Released Lyrics
- Prop 8 Overturned: Celebs React via Twitter
- Taylor Jacobson – Rachel Zoe Samples Accusation is...
- Michigan Election Results
- Bad Girls Club’ Season 5 Premieres Tonight
- Barclays Capital Credit Analysts Upgrade Bank Sector
- Northern Lights may become visible over Idaho tonight
- Kyan Douglas Pictures and Bio
- Blackhawks' Niemi shown the door; Marty Turco and ...
- Grover Cleveland Alexander tournament – Seniors win
- On John Bolz, John Carroll, Perez Hilton, blogging...
- Suzette Snider And David Daniel "Dee" Snider
- PRETTY LITTLE LIARS Episode 8 “Please, Do Talk Abo...
- Awkward Family Photos Blog Website
- Alexis Cohen’s Killer Being Indicted on Four Counts
- Carrie Underwood’s Wedding Venue ‘On Lockdown’Carr...
- Las Tablas Panama
- Stephen Colletti Lauren Conrad Ready for Hills Finale